Senior Scientist
Division for Marine and Environmental Research
Ruđer Bošković Institute
EmailMy current work revolves around three mutually connected topics: meta-science, open science, and informed decision making.
Meta-research is research that applies scientific methods to the study of the research and publishing system itself. Meta-researchers (including myself) do this to identify and quantify the issues that these systems are facing and, based on this research, to develop and evaluate potential solutions to these issues. The aim of my current project is to decrease the unused potential of ecological research in two ways: (1) by enabling better use of all research components (e.g., research data, code, etc), and (2) by reducing research waste, i.e., research with no or limited information value, that accumulates over the research life cycle.
Open science aims at improving the impact of scientific work by making all research components open (i.e., available to anyone to access and use). This includes data, code, publications, and review. With this project, we (1) study the implementation of open (and FAIR) principles in ecology, (1) enable ecologist to better use open practices and tools, and (3) evaluate the added value of open practices to meta-analyses in ecology.
An important part of my work in open and transparent science focuses on helping ecologists to be better able to utilize all the benefits of connected data landscape. Given that my previous work (PhD and before) was mostly done using birds as a study system, in 2018 I have initiated and later co-founded a network of researchers who work on long-term studies of individually marked birds. We collect data from research groups and then create pipelines that put all datasets into the same, standard format. We also create meta-data for each population and make populations more visible to users. You can learn more about the SPI-birds Network and Databases here
Since 2022
Senior Researcher at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia
2018 - 2021
Researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Netherlands
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Netherlands
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Wildlife Research Conservation Unit, University of Oxford, UK
DPhil in Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
VENI research fellowship, 250 000 EUR by NWO, (2018-2021)
Workshop funding, 25 000 EUR by Lorentz Center, Netherlands
Dutch Data Prize for SPI-Birds project (2020) – 5 000 EUR
Open Science Use Case Award (2020) for SPI-Birds initiative
NWO Cooperation and Exchange / Scientific Meetings Grant for organizing 2 day symposium & workshops on Open Science in Ecology (2017) – 10 000 EUR
RDA EU Early Career support Programme for the RDA 9th Plenary (2017)
Conference travel grant, Welcome Trust, to attend #scidata16 (2016)
Jip Ramakers, NIOO-KNAW (2016-2018): Seasonal timing of breeding and environmental change
Kiran Gok Lune Le, University of Groningen (2021): The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the gender gap in research production within academia (
Marija Purgar, Sveučilište Josispa Juraja Strossmayera u Osijeku (2021): Estimating the unused potential of Ecological Research
Odile Basedow, University of Amsterdam (2019): Systematic review of soil carbon sequestration processes
Miriam Barto, Wageningen Univeristy (2018-2019): Mother infant stress
Ilona van den Berg, VU University Amsterdam (2016-2017): Practices in sharing and availability of code in Ecology (rezultiralo jednim znanstvenim radom)
Andrea Aldas Vargas, Wageningen University (2016-2017): Systematic review of meta-analysis in microbial ecology
Culina, A. et al.
Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: the SPI-Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology.
Journal of Animal Ecology.
Culina, A., Evans, S., van den Berg, I., & Sánchez-Tójar, A.
Low availability of code in ecology: a call for urgent action. PLOS Biology
PLOS Biology 18(7), e3000763.
Culina, A., Baglioni M., Crowther T.W., Visser M.E, Woutersen S. & Manghi P.
Navigating the unfolding open data landscape in ecology and evolution.
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 420–426.
Culina, A., Crowther T., Ramakers J., Gienapp P. & Visser M.E
How to do meta-analysis of open datasets.
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 1053–1056.
Culina A., Radersma R. & Sheldon B.C.
Trading up: the fitness consequences of divorce in monogamous birds.
Biol. Rev. 90, 1015-1034. (Contact me for the PDF)